Monday, August 3, 2009

Babylon 5 Favorites

I thought it might be nice to get back to basics for a bit -- and talk Babylon 5. When trying to get a discussion going, a sure bet is talking about favorites -- episodes, characters, lines, season, whatever. Everyone has a favorite of one kind or another.

I was thinking about favorite lines -- and there have to be tons of them. I suppose we could look through the Book of Quotes and find a few -- but aren't there some that just say Babylon 5 to you? Mine is "All Alone In The Night" or "Nothing's the same anymore" - from the season one opening. I guess one of JMS' favorite lines is "But in purple ... I'm Stunning!" -- the title he chose for his book of quotations.

Here are some others:
"Toast. To absent friends, .. in memory still bright"
"Until we meet again, in a place where no shadows fall"

What are your favorites?


Unknown said...

Julia here...a long time ago I was B5Fan on the old aol site.

Oddly enough the quote that first came to mind when I read this was a fairly lightweight one ... a security offier to Michael when they were trying to "liberate" a box of the Security Chief's cooking supplies from the Post Office... "But this is the Post Office...we could get in REAL trouble here."

Another favorite: Delenn's "If you value your life, be elsewhere." Still makes me tingle to remember that eposide.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy:

One of my favourite lines of my favourite S/F series of all times, Babylon 5, comes from the first season. Jeff and Kathyrin are threatening to restart there bi/tri annual reintroduction to why they always seem to break up. K. has just bought a great deal of money's worth of food, and has come to Jeff's room.

They have a fight of course, and just as she storms for the door, he reaches out and takes hold of her arm. She turns around and glares at him and almost spits the words "... don't touch me unless you mean it."

I know from that what ever they have said about their relationship before, she is not happy with the on again, off again nature of the relationship. Like so much of Babylon 5, the dialogue let's you know that you might not have known what it was that brought the characters here, you are witnessing people in flux. Babylon 5 is about people being human.

Sandy said...

There are SO many lines from Babylon 5 and I run into each day. I have a few B5 pictures on my wall at the office and am constantly suprised at how many people recognize the characters and the show!

Just the other day, I was passing a sign related to our subway here in Washington. The sign was pointing out we have a green and purple line -- yes the line "But in Purple I'm Stunning" came immediately to mind.