Sunday, January 31, 2010


Are any of you following this series?  I think it is one of the best, most interesting series currently on the tube.  Take the last episode for instance.  It involves a scientist that developed a toxin to target only specific people with a certain genetic code.  It originated back during the Naxi era with Walter's father.  The toxin would attack the red blood cells so that the victim would die from the lack of oxygen in the blood. 

Now I know that there are some dramatic license taken with this series, but it has some really inventive story ideas.  Apart from the main story, the interaction between Walter Bishop and his son, Peter, is wonderful.  Each week it seems to get better -- and you learn more about the relationship  between father and son.  I also like the growing special relationship between Walter and Astrid, the person in the lab that assists him at every turn. 

I am happy to see Fringe growing in popularity.  Perhaps it is Fox finally marketing the series a bit more, that certainly can't hurt.  Going up against CSI isn't an easy task -- no matter how you look at it.



Blue Sunflower said...

Unfortunately, Fringe really isn't growing in popularity. Since the show has only been up against repeats, what's happening is that the time-shifters are now watching Live. That will change once the show comes back in April and it's once more up against new episodes of the other shows, especially CSI and Grey's.

Sandy said...

I keep hoping that Fox will get behind the series and move it! Having competition like CSI and Grey's is bad enough, but for something on Fox -- it doesn't bode well.