Washington is quite the opposite of where I grew up. Brownsville had a population of 6,000 or so. My graduating class was nearly 400; this year it was just a little over 100. It is sad that my home town has changed so dramatically. I am sure I am not alone in this. So many home towns have been reduced to dots on a map.
I have been very fortunate to have traveled a bit -- thanks to Babylon 5. Joe Straczynski gave me copies of the blooper tapes to take to conventions and I had a ball meeting Babylon 5 fans in Sydney, Brisbane, Berlin, Vancouver and a number of cities in the U.S. - from Baltimore to LA. It is amazing to realize how many fans Babylon 5 has in all parts of the world. It has affected people around the globe in many ways, using the words in wedding ceremonies and eulogies. I wish that it were being shown somewhere so that another generation of Babylon 5 fans could be introduced to this magnificent melodrama.